• The Jerk Man’s Spicy Jamaican Jerk Dry Rub
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 4 ounces lobster meat (cut in small pieces), drained well
  • 2 branched green onion stalks, finely chopped
  • 1 clove crushed garlic minced
  • 1/2 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/8 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • Salt, to taste
  • 20 square wonton wrappers
  • Oil for deep-frying


Step 1
In a bowl add cream cheese, lobster, green onion, garlic, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, toasted sesame oil. Add salt to taste. Mix thoroughly with a fork. Cover and let mixture sit in refrigerator for a couple of hours to let flavors settle.

Step 2
Take the mixture out of the refrigerator. On a sheet or parchment paper. Line up 18 portions of the lobster meat mixture. It could be as little as 16 or as much as 20 portions. It should be approximately 1 – 1 1/2 tsp of lobster in every portion.

Step 3
Sprinkle The Jerk Man’s Jamaican Dry Rub on every lobster portion.

Step 4
Keep the stack of 20 wontons skins covered with moist paper towel so they won’t dry out. Work with one wonton skin at a time. Place one portion of lobster in the wonton skin, seasoned side down. Sprinkle dry rub on top. Now both sides of the lobster mixture should be seasoned.

Step 5
Put water in a little dish. We will use the water to wet the corners of the wonton skins.

Closing the wonton.
Still working with the same wonton. Using your finger, dip water on the wonton skin and spread it all around the edge. You should be making a square shape with your finger all around the edge of the wonton skin.

Bring 2 opposite corners together. The water will allow the corners to stick and seal together. Continue pressing down the sides to seal the entire perimeter. You should now have a triangle with a top pointing north and the base corners pointing east and west. Now wet the east and west corners. Bring those two corners down and around so they meet each other- almost as if they are shaking hands:) Make sure the east and west corners stick and seal to each other.

Step 6
Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you finish closing all the wontons. Place the completed wontons aside on a plate.

Step 7
Fry wontons in oil 350 degrees Fahrenheit for approx. 3 min. After one minute use a slotted spoon to move the wontons around to make sure all the edges are browning evenly. Make sure your wontons have plenty of room. Depending on how large your pot/fryer is will determine how many you should fry at a time. If you’re using a small pot, don’t fry more than 5- 6 at a time. After 3 min or once the wontons are golden brown and crispy. Move to a wire rack to drain.

Step 8.
Let rest for 2 minutes. Eat warm!

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